A golf ball with a thistle on it and two crossed golf clubs.

The Club

Maclean Golf Club is open daily from 7.30am with coffee and cold drinks available

Junior Golf

Getting into golf at a young age is great fun and is something you can enjoy for life. Thanks to our Club PGA Professional, Paul King, clinics are held after school for juniors at various stages throughout the year. To find out more about times and fees contact Paul on 0416 106 845

Each year we proudly host the Maclean Junior Open Day for boys and girls. This event will occur on Sunday 6th April 2025. For more details or to book please visit the Northern Rivers District Golf Association website via the following link Maclean Junior Open Day

Women's Golf

Playing each Wednesday from 8am, the Maclean Women's Golfers are a vibrant group who know how to have a great time. Their weekly comp is held off both the 1st and 10th tees to ensure that everyone is back in the clubhouse by lunchtime where they hold raffles and game day competitions with fantastic prizes. To follow them on Facebook click this link Maclean Women Golfers

Each year the Women's Open Day is held with this years event set for 22-23 September 2025  with visitors welcome. Their annual Women's Vets Open Day will also be held on the 24 June 2025.

Veteran's Golf

Playing each Monday the Vet's enjoy great comradery and plenty of laughs. A highlight of the year is their annual 'Week of Golf' which will be played on the 11-15 August, 2025. Visitors are always welcome and to find out more contact macleanvetsgc.weekofgolf@gmail.com

For more details about Veteran golf visit the NSW Veteran Golfers Association site www.nswvga.com.au/cms/

Membership and Sponsorship Fees

March 2025 to end of February 2026

Full Golfing, Colt & Junior Membership at Maclean Golf Club allows you access to:

  • Unlimited free social access to the Golf Course 7 days a week (exemptions apply on competition days – check at the pro-shop)
  • Unlimited free access to our practice facilities
  • practice range
  • 2 x practice greens (one with practice chipping)
  • Provision of an official World Golf Handicap (which allows you to play at reduced rates at other courses around Australia when playing competition golf)
  • Discounted green fees at other Northern Rivers Golf Courses (subject to individual Club pricing policies)
  • Voting Rights (not included with Junior Membership) 

Country Membership at Maclean Golf Club allows you access to:

  • Unlimited free social access to the Golf Course 7 days a week (exemptions apply on competition days – check at the pro-shop) Unlimited free access to our practice facilities
  • practice range
  • 2 x practice greens (one with practice chipping)
  • Discounted green fees at other Northern Rivers Golf Courses (subject to individual Club pricing policies)

Social Membership at Maclean Golf Club allows you access to:

  • to our club house and its facilities. 

Provisional Membership will be accepted at time of application and payment, Provisional members at this time can start to enjoy, discounts offered to members. Provisional members who need to gain a handicap can start to score the 3 cards needed to achieve a handicap, including playing in any of the appropriate sanctioned competitions. 

Pro rata subscriptions for members joining the Club from July 1st to February 28th will be calculated on days remaining of year basis. Subscriptions may be paid as a lump sum or monthly by direct debit (amounts above $100 only). 

Membership Application Form

Cart Shed

Storage Maclean Golf club offers cart storage to members in a number of cart sheds. There is a limited number of storage spaces, where there is no availability, Maclean Golf Club will run a waiting list. 

Applicaton for Membership

All new member applications are presented to the Board for approval each month.

I hereby wish to join the Maclean Golf Club and apply to be admitted as a member thereof and agree to be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Club. The Board of Directors reserve the right to refuse any application for membership in their absolute discretion without giving any reason(s).

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