1. Definitions and Interpretations
(a) The By-laws are made by the Board of Directors of Maclean Golf Club Limited in accordance with Article 3 (z) as detailed in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of Maclean Golf Club Limited.
(b) Definitions mentioned in the Memorandum also apply to these Bylaws.
(c) These By-laws are binding on each member of the Club.
(d) These By-laws are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of the Club and in the event of any inconsistency, the Rule shall prevail.
(e) The term ‘non-member’ refers to any person that is not a financial member or life member of the Club and includes any guest of a member or temporary member as defined in the Memorandum.
(f) For the purposes of these By-laws, the term ‘serious misconduct’ includes any behaviour that:
(g) The decision of the Board on the meaning or interpretation of any By-law is final and binding on all members of the Club.
(h) The Board may decide to amend, rescind, or add to these By-laws at any time, and any decision by the Board comes into effect when a notice advising members of any change is placed on the Notice Board.
2. Dress Standards
Members and guests must be respectably dressed at all times. Any person may be refused admittance or requested to leave if their dress is not considered satisfactory.
General Clubhouse Dress Standards:
On the golf course:
Male Golfers -
Female Golfers -
The Board may modify dress standards for specific events such as specific social events, charity fundraising events, organised promotional events and recruitment drives. Sun protection and enclosed footwear remains mandatory for all golf events for safety reasons.
3. Behaviour
The following standards are expected of members:
(a) Members must treat each other with respect at all times while on the Club premises and participating in sporting events. Members must not cause offence to any member or members of the Club.
(b) Members must not reprimand, harass, or insult any employee of the Club at any time. If a member has any complaint to make regarding any employee of the Club, any such complaint is to be lodged with the President.
(c) Members must not deface or damage Club property.
(d) Members must not remove, or allow to be removed, any Club property without the express permission of the Club President.
(e) Members must not disregard any reasonable instruction of the Board or authorised representative.
(f) Members must not harass or be a nuisance to other members at any time.
(g) Members must not make uninvited advances to other member/s to borrow money while on Club premises.
(h) Acting in a manner which defames or otherwise embarrasses the Club
4. Serious Misconduct
A member cited to appear before the Board on the grounds of alleged serious misconduct may, at the discretion of the Board, be suspended from all membership privileges until such time as:
(a) The member appears before the Board of Directors and/or,
(b) The member provides the Board with a written submission to all the Board to consider the matter.
5. Refusal of Service
A Board director or delegated representative has the authority to refuse
service to any person in the following circumstances:
(a) If it is determined that there has been a breach in best practices of
responsible service of alcohol and responsible conduct of gaming
(b) If it is determined that there has been a breach of these By-laws or
Memorandum of the Club,
(c) If a member or guest fails to follow a reasonable direction from
staff or delegated member of the Board of Directors,
(d) If it is determined that the Club could become liable to prosecution
if service was continued,
(e) If it is determined that to continue service would not be in the best
interests of the Club.
6. Guests
The following conditions apply in respect to guests:
(a) Members may bring guests to the Club subject to the provisions of these By-laws, Memorandum, or any other requirement in force at the time of entry.
(b) A guest must remain in the reasonable company of the introducing member at all times when on the Club premises and the guest/s must
leave the Club premises at the same time as the introducing member leaves.
(c) The member introducing any person as a guest is responsible for any liability incurred by their guest.
(d) A person will not be eligible to be admitted as a guest if they have been rejected as a candidate for membership, or have been expelled from the Club, or who are considered by the Board, in its discretion, to be undesirable to be admitted as a guest.
(e) The Board or Management has the right to refuse entry to any non-member and does not need to provide any reason to the nonmember
for such refusal.